The results of obtained from the research be paid application sales and commodity stock in Puzzy Pet Shop Palembang with based program E-Commerce with this system can more easy applied and understood by user so can produce data and information fast, exact and accurate. The application sales and commodity stock expected can facilitate employee to management commodity stock and customer more easy to shopping. Seperti Aplikasi Gudang Krishand Inventory mencakup transaksi mutasi barang baik yang berhubungan dengan pihak eksternal maupun pihak internal. Download Aplikasi Stok Gudang Gratis Full Version yang dapat digunakan untuk mengontrol penerimaan dan pengeluaran barang di dalam perusahaan Anda.
The research method is use improve the system method consisting of expediency study, system program, assembling and system evaluation. Download Aplikasi Stok Gudang Gratis Full Version. Customer become user can see and choose products of Puzzy Pet Shop Palembang. The application sales and commodity stock is application management data build for customer to buy or shopping with online system without meet.
Office finally management commodity stock needs much time and energy of employee. In this moment the sale of done still in meet and management commodity stock is use Ms. Puzzy Pet Shop is one of shop sale a some needs of the animal like foods, accessories, and equipment.